Life long sharing . . .

Archive for March 2011

Was with my sister at the IJN (National Heart Institute) ward a few days back, visiting my brother after his surgery.

It’s kind of an open ward, with a nurse counter in the center, overseeing all these patients. There are quiet a number of patients there, majority elderly, most of them were after undergoing their heart related surgery like heart by pass, etc. So it’s not like the normal one or two patients share a room, and a toilet. More like a public hall, with shared public toilet.

Ok, what I wanted to tell is that, when my sister went into the toilet, guess what, she smell a very strong cigarette smell there. Someone was smoking inside the toilet.

“Can you believe it? Already one foot in the coffin, still 死性不改,really don’t know how to cherish their own life. Really cannot believe got such person. ” she couldn’t stop scolding after coming out from the toilet.

… ya, why …



This is the speech given by Steve Job, the founder of Apple, for the Stanford University graduation commencement 2005.

The below blog has the complete transcript of the speech from this video.

I like this:

“Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”

“No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it.”

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

Was kind of panic, worried and not able to focus these few days, after being told by my bro’s surgeon that the tumor looked malignant to his experience.

Today, finally managed to pull myself up. Was going through Jasmine Young’s blog as I haven’t followed up on what is happening in Japan recently (though I do pray hard for those surviving and undergoing hardship in their lives now.)

Then I bump into this from Jasmine Young where she commented on the panicking happening in Japan in general,

and it’s a knock straight on my head (当头棒喝)

“Life is not about staying alive, life is about living.”

“All this “assuming what could happen in worst case scenario!!” is disruptive distraction. A method that if applied in everyday life would be catatonic poison, preventing people from even getting out of bed in the morning.”

Ya, I must stay calmed and focus !!

[Updated on 25-Mar: Saw the newspaper, there is a promotion going on for these activity books, for Popular members, BUY 3 FREE 1 ]

Was kind of moody yesterday. Decided to pay a visit to Popular.

Was telling myself, don’t look at any exercise books any more. …


but couldn’t help myself when I saw these books from EPH. I have been looking for something like this for quite long. Most of the time, for Chinese activity books for preschool, they are more on handwriting.

Couldn’t help, bought the last 4 books from the below pictures. And you know, only cost me RM1.80 one. CHEAP 😛

Here are sample pages for Synonyms & Antonyms:

For Similar Words:

For Homophones:

And for Polyphonics:

Bought this book from Popular @RM5.90 only. Very good book.  You can find the URL to the eBook by clicking the picture above. In short, eat more vege and fruits, unprocessed and natural one. The author gives some sort of 10 rules to follow for healthy life, which some are quite interesting:

  • Fruits for breakfast
  • Don’t drink milk. Milk is the culprit of osteoporosis and may lead cancer ??.
  • Take a lot of vegetables especially if taking meat
  • No fast food (this one I like)
  • Get away from sugar, medicine and supplements
  • Exercise and enough sleep

And she mentioned about taking fruits before meal, at least 20 – 30 minutes before meal. What a coincident, my girls practise this too daily. Before lunch, after school, the first thing is the orange juice, then the bath, then rest for awhile, then only lunch.  mm.. interesting …

Just have a thought, how sad if these vege / fruits are poluted, like what happen in Japan now. It’s just like we the human being are killing ourselves. …

I read Dr Jasmine Young’s blog on Living in Japan. This one touched my heart especially :

And I love this note from her:

The survivors here in Japan are exhibiting moral human decency at it’s finest. Moral human decency is a concept that feels disregarded in a lot of other cultures. Morality isn’t determined by whether someone is looking or not. Moral human decency is unwritten code to live by all the time, despite the circumstances that challengeyou..

Reading this:

“A control room technician at the plant told a colleague who has been evacuated that he was perfectly prepared to die. It was, he said, his job.”

Though we are not in Japan, just want to say, no matter what will happen, THANK YOU FUKUSHIMA 50 – the unsung heroes !!

By chance, I got the opportunity to chit chat with one of the ex-小荳荳 student’s mother . Ya, she likes the flashcards teaching method, which she finds it helpful for her child to recognize Chinese characters. But she added that what impressed her the most is the “Phrases 字汇 Reading” at the back of each books. A lot of time, it’s tough to get the kids to memorize the single Chinese character without knowing what is the meaning. So, by letting the children going through the list of phrases made up of the single characters they learn, the children can comprehend what the words are used for, what is the meanings it carries.And this enrich the children’s word bank which will help them in their essay writing later. Good point !

I never thought of this before. All I know when I do comparison with Bao Bei’s flash cards, I find my girls learn faster as Bao Bei’s flash cards have a combination of single characters and phrases. Like Ying, she is able to recognize and read words like 猜灯谜,中秋节after joining Bao Bei for 3 months. She progresses faster if compare to just flashing her the single character cards.

I read the new article from 洪兰教授:錯誤的評量,霸凌的元兇.

I like this line:

Translation: “We need to teach children, everyone has the right to choose. You can choose to be happy or not happy; to be ethical and not ethical.”

Just like what I used to tell the girls,

“I can teach you what is good and what is bad. Then, it’s up to you to choose to be good or bad. ”

And I added teaching them they have to take the consequences for what they do / choose.

Trying to make thing easy for them to comprehend, I used to tell them,

“If you do good, eventually good thing will happen to you. But if you choose to be bad, bad thing will happen to you, and not me.”

The situation I used to most is during night time, when they still want to talk even though it passes their bed time.

“If you still want to continue talking, though your body already wants to rest and sleep, you can choose to continue. Then your body will be weak as it doesn’t have enough rest. Then you will get sick easily. Then you cannot go to xxx class and miss all the fun. “


March 2011

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